High resolution ice edge mapping by Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
An algorithm for automatic classification of sea ice in satellite radar data has been developed. This algorithm is used to produce daily maps of ice/water discrimination in the Barents Sea (around Svalbard) at 1 km spatial resolution at 1km resolution.
Sea ice drift on regional scale from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Sea ice motion can be estimated from pairs of overlapping radar images recorded at different points in time. An algorithm based on a pattern-tracking approach is used to generate ice drift maps in the Fram Strait area.
Sea ice albedo from optical sensors
Melting of sea ice during summer in the Arctic results in melt ponds of different depths on top of the sea ice. Melt ponds drastically reduce the ice albedo, changing the radiative balance in Arctic. Maps of surface albedo and melt pond fraction have been developed from MERIS and MODIS satellite data.
Sea ice thickness from satellite radar altimeter and passive microwave data
Ice thickness is a key parameter in polar climate change studies. We have developed an algorithm estimating ice thickness from SMOS satellite data, for both Arctic and Antarctic polar regions.
Animal ARGOS tracking - Polar Bears
The movement of 3 female polar bears has been tracked using collars with ARGOS devices recording their position during a 3 month period. The ARGOS tracks for one polar bear have been correlated with sea ice concentration maps to investigate how a polar bear moves with changing sea ice conditions.
Sea ice forecasting in the Barents and Kara Seas
A regional ice-ocean forecasting model for the Barents and Kara Seas has been established to provide up to 10 day forecasts of the ice edge location, sea ice concentrations ice velocity and ice thickness using the 4 km ice-ocean model.
Iceberg detection and forecasting in the Antarctica
Icebergs pose a severe risk for human operations and safety in polar regions. In SIDARUS, we have combined data from satellite and ice drift models to support the Vendée-Globe challenge race in Antarctica, November-December 2012 .